About Me
My name is Christine Pointeau.
I am the owner, founder and sole creative source of
everything ArtVentureZone.
Back in 2015 I got this crazy idea of creating an art centered, alt-scout type system where participants would would create art and earn badges in exchange.
Several enumerations later, the ArtVentureZone slowly emerged like an elephant out of the fog to claim its rightful place among the GREAT!!! Oh, sorry, got carried away for a second.
What I mean to say is, Here We Are!

Who is this to take on such a quest, you ask?

I am an artist illustrator and published author, often working under close supervision.
I enjoy drawing, painting and publishing books most of all. There is immense satisfaction in holding a thing so tangible as a book in one's hands after all the work it took to create it.

I am also an Art teacher with 20+ years of classroom experience, at both middle and high school levels.
Projects in my classroom tend to be colorful, fun, often messy and always engaging.
The best part of teaching is having kids hold up their work and be so proud of what they've accomplished. Or taking kids who think they can't draw through the process of creating something they never thought themselves capable of doing.
In the last few years I've introduced the concept of "gamification" into my classes. What I was really doing is testing some of the ideas for the ArtVentureZone on my innocent, trusting middle schoolers. They never suspected a thing. MwahAHAHAH! My plan worked. They loved it!

In one high school where I taught for 10 years, I built the art department from an after-thought to a waiting list to get in. Many students took art every year. I was privileged to see so many kids grow before my eyes during those four years.

These are the kids that would come visit as college students.
Here's what they had to share:
"The Art class was always a safe place where I could be myself."
"If it weren't for your Art class, I would have dropped out of school."
"You taught me not to be so critical of myself."
"You showed me how to improve my drawing without having to be perfect."
The ArtVentureZone is in its infancy, being built from the ground up with massive potential for growth.

I have traveled over mountains,
I have sailed across oceans,
all to bring the ArtVentureZone to YOU.
Thank you for coming along.

For my personal art, see RiverbyNight.
Be sure to get on our mailing list so you know as soon as a new book is available.
Thank you for visiting. Please take the time to look around. Lots of fun things currently in production.
Take care,
owner, founder of ArtVentureZone
ArtVentureZone LLC.